Friday, September 20, 2024 12:12:59 AM
> settings



> util.js
const Crypto = require('crypto-js'),
	Moment = require('moment'),
	Colors = require("./colors"),
	ColorsJS = require('colors');

module.exports = class Util {
	constructor(bot) {
		this.ESMBot = bot;
		this.regex = {
			serverID: {
				base: /[^\s]+_[^\s]+/i,
				only: /^[^\s]+_[^\s]+$/i
			broadcast: {
				base: /(?:[^\s]+_[^\s]+)|all|test/i,
				only: /(?:^[^\s]+_[^\s]+$)|^all$|^test$/i
			communityID: {
				base: /[^\s]+/i,
				only: /^[^\s]+$/i
			steamUID: {
				base: /\d{17}/i,
				only: /^\d{17}$/i
			target: {
				base: /\d{17}|<@!?\d+>/i,
				only: /^\d{17}$|^<@!?\d+>$/i
			targetAcceptDeny: {
				base: /\d{17}|<@!?\d+>|accept|decline/i,
				only: /^\d{17}$|^<@!?\d+>$|^accept$|^decline$/i
			territoryID: {
				base: /\w+/i,
				only: /^\w+$/i
			discordTag: {
				base: /<@!?\d+>/i,
				only: /^<@!?\d+>$/i
			discordID: {
				base: /\d{18}/i,
				only: /^\d{18}$/i
			targetOrTerritory: {
				base: /\d{17}|<@!?\d+>|\w+/i,
				only: /^\d{17}|<@!?\d+>|\w+$/i
			acceptDecline: {
				base: /accept|decline/i,
				only: /^accept$|^decline$/i

		this.embed = {
			EMPTY_SPACE: "\u200B",

	getFlagPath(flagPath) {
		let defaultFlag = "./flags/flag_white_co.jpg";
		if (flagPath === "") {
			return defaultFlag;

		let flagName = /(flag_.*)\.paa/i.exec(flagPath);
		if (flagName == null) {
			return defaultFlag;

		return `./flags/${flagName[1]}.jpg`;

	stringCombine(array) {
		let output = "";
		if (array.length === 0) return "";

		if (Array.isArray(array[0])) {
			array = array[0];

		for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
			output += `\n${array[i]}`;

		return output;

	parseTime(time) {
		const methods = [{
				name: 'd',
				count: 86400
				name: 'h',
				count: 3600
				name: 'm',
				count: 60
				name: 's',
				count: 1

		const timeStr = [Math.floor(time / methods[0].count).toString() + methods[0].name];

		for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
			timeStr.push(Math.floor(time % methods[i].count / methods[i + 1].count).toString() + methods[i + 1].name)

		return timeStr.filter(g => !g.startsWith('0')).join(' ')

	convertTime(timeString) {
		let time = Moment.utc(timeString);
		return time.isValid() ? time : null;

	addDays(date, days) {
		return date.add(days, "d");

	isEmpty(obj, requiredAttr = []) {
		if (obj == null) return true;

		if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
			return obj.length === 0;

		switch (typeof (obj)) {
			case "object":
				if (this.getKeys(obj).length === 0) return true;
				if (requiredAttr.length > 0) {
					for (let attr of requiredAttr) {
						if (obj.hasOwnProperty(attr)) {
							if (this.isEmpty(obj[attr])) return true;
				return this.getKeys(obj).length === 0;
			case "string":
				return obj.length === 0;
				return false;

	isNull(thing) {
		return thing == null;

	isObject(thing) {
		return typeof (thing) === "object";

	isArray(thing) {
		return Array.isArray(thing);

	isString(thing) {
		return typeof (thing) === "string";

	encrypt(string) {
		if (typeof (string) === "object") {
			string = JSON.stringify(string);
		return Crypto.AES.encrypt(string, this.ESMBot.config.ENCRYPTION_TOKEN).toString();

	decrypt(token) {
		try {
			if (token === "") throw null;
			token = Crypto.AES.decrypt(token, this.ESMBot.config.ENCRYPTION_TOKEN).toString(Crypto.enc.Utf8);
			if (token == null || token === "") throw null;
			return token
		} catch (err) {
			return null;

	getKeys(obj) {
		return Object.keys(obj);

	titleize(string) {
		return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);

	generateKey(length, useLowerCase = true, useUpperCase = true, useNumbers = true, useSpecial = true, useHex = false) {
		const lowerCase = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
		const numbers = '1234567890';
		const special = '`~!@#$%^&*()-=_+[]{}|;\':",./<>?';
		const hex = '123456789ABCDEF';

		let chars = '';
		let key = '';

		if (useLowerCase) chars += lowerCase;
		if (useUpperCase) chars += upperCase;
		if (useNumbers) chars += numbers;
		if (useSpecial) chars += special;
		if (useHex) chars += hex;

		for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
			key += chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)];

		return key;

	sleep(ms) {
		return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

	isGuildAvailable(guild) {
		if (guild == null) return false;
		return guild.available;

	getCommunityID(id) {
		let match = /^([^\s_<>]+)_[^\s<>]+$/i.exec(id);
		if (match != null) {
			id = match[1];
		return id;

	arrayToString(array) {
		if (this.isEmpty(array)) return "[]";
		if (!Array.isArray(array)) return "[]";
		let output = "[";
		for (let item of array) {
			if (typeof item === "string") {
				output += `"${item}",`;
			} else if (Array.isArray(item)) {
				output += `${this.arrayToString(item)},`;
			} else {
				output += `${item},`;

		output = output.slice(0, -1);
		return output + "]";

	arrayToStringPretty(array, delim = ", ", markup = "") {
		if (this.isEmpty(array)) return "";
		let output = "";
		for (let item of array) {
			output += `${markup}${item}${markup}${delim}`;
		output = output.slice(0, -delim.length);
		return output;

	objectArrayToString(array) {
		if (this.isEmpty(array)) return "";
		let output = "";
		if (array.length === 1) {
			output = `${this.objectToString(array[0])}`;
		} else {
			for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
				let item = array[i];
				output += `--------- index ${i} ---------\n${this.objectToString(item)}\n\n`;

		return output;

	objectToStringFormatted(object) {
		if (this.isEmpty(object)) return "";
		let output = "";
		for (let attribute in object) {
			output += `**${this.titleize(attribute)}**: ${ typeof(object[attribute]) === "object" ? JSON.stringify(object[attribute]) : object[attribute]}\n`;
		return output;

	objectToString(object) {
		if (this.isEmpty(object)) return "";
		let output = "";
		for (let attribute in object) {
			output += `${attribute}: ${ typeof(object[attribute]) === "object" ? JSON.stringify(object[attribute]) : object[attribute]}\n`;
		return output;

	hasOwnProperties(object, properties, requireAll = false) {
		if (this.isEmpty(object)) return false;
		let hasAllProperties = false;
		let keys = this.getKeys(object);
		for (let property of properties) {
			if (keys.includes(property) && !requireAll) {
				return true;
			hasAllProperties = keys.includes(property);
		return hasAllProperties;

	selectRandom(objOrArray) {
		if (typeof objOrArray === "object") {
			let keys = this.getKeys(objOrArray);
			return objOrArray[keys[keys.length * Math.random() << 0]];
		} else if (Array.isArray(objOrArray)) {
			return objOrArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * objOrArray.length)];
		return null;

	isTypeOf(object, className) {
		return === className;

	minifyCode(code) {
		code = code.replace(/\s*\;\s*/g, ";");
		code = code.replace(/\s*\:\s*/g, ":");
		code = code.replace(/\s*\,\s*/g, ",");
		code = code.replace(/\s*\[\s*/g, "[");
		code = code.replace(/\s*\]\s*/g, "]");
		code = code.replace(/\s*\(\s*/g, "(");
		code = code.replace(/\s*\)\s*/g, ")");
		code = code.replace(/\s*\-\s*/g, "-");
		code = code.replace(/\s*\+\s*/g, "+");
		code = code.replace(/\s*\/\s*/g, "/");
		code = code.replace(/\s*\*\s*/g, "*");
		code = code.replace(/\s*\%\s*/g, "%");
		code = code.replace(/\s*\=\s*/g, "=");
		code = code.replace(/\s*\!\s*/g, "!");
		code = code.replace(/\s*\>\s*/g, ">");
		code = code.replace(/\s*\<\s*/g, "<");
		code = code.replace(/\s*\>\>\s*/g, ">>");
		code = code.replace(/\s*\&\&\s*/g, "&&");
		code = code.replace(/\s*\|\|\s*/g, "||");
		code = code.replace(/\s*\}\s*/g, "}");
		code = code.replace(/\s*\{\s*/g, "{");
		code = code.replace(/\s+/g, " ");
		code = code.replace(/\n+/g, "");
		code = code.replace(/\r+/g, "");
		code = code.replace(/\t+/g, "");
		return code;

	convertArmaNumber(number) {
		let converter = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
			minimumFractionDigits: 0

		return converter.format(+number);

	tryParseJSON(json) {
		try {
			return JSON.parse(json);
		} catch (err) {
			return null;

	hasOwnPropertyTree(object, {
		// Make sure the object actually has stuff
		if (this.isEmpty(object)) return false;

		// We only have one, just use the simple method
		if (_.size(properties) === 1) {
			return object.hasOwnProperty(properties[0]);
		} else {
			let valid = true;
			let currentObject = object;

			// Loop through each property passed, remembering the previous object so we can go through the tree.
			_.each(properties, property => {
				if (currentObject.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
					currentObject = currentObject[property];
				} else {
					return valid = false;

			return valid;
All opinions represented herein are my own
- © 2024 itsthedevman
- build 340fbb8