Friday, September 20, 2024 1:39:50 AM
> settings



> logs.js
const ESMCommand = require("../esm_command");
const Steam = require("../../code/steam");

module.exports = class ESMCommand_Logs extends ESMCommand {
    constructor(bot) {
        this.permissions = {
            disabled_in_player_mode: true,
            requires_registration: true,
            requires_server: true,
            text_only: true

        this.commandParams = {
            serverID: {
                regex: this.util.regex.serverID.base
            search: {
                regex: /.+/

        this.information = {
            category: "server",
            params: "<server_id> <target_uid | @user | search_string (premium only)>",
            help: "Parses Exile's logs for the search parameter within a 5 day window. If the server has premium, the length is set to 14 days and you can parse for anything. This includes using regex."

        this.configuration = {
            permissions: {
                modifiable: true,
                default: {}
            allowedInTextChannels: {
                modifiable: false,
                default: true
            cooldown: {
                modifiable: true,
                default: [20, "seconds"]
            enabled: {
                modifiable: true,
                default: true

    async fromDiscord() {
        let days = 5;
        let isPremium = true;

        switch (true) {
            case this.util.regex.discordTag.base.test(
                let discordUser = await this.ESMBot.getUser(;
                if (discordUser == null) {
                    return this.ESMBot.send(, this.ESMBot.errors.format(, "USER_NOT_FOUND"));
                let isRegistered = await this.db.isRegistered(;
                if (!isRegistered) {
                    return this.ESMBot.send(, this.ESMBot.errors.format(, "USER_NOT_REGISTERED"));
       = await this.db.getSteamUIDFromID(;
                if ( == null) return;
            case this.util.regex.steamUID.base.test(
                if (!isPremium) {
                    return this.ESMBot.send(, "Free plans can only parse for SteamUIDs (directly or via a Discord tag).\nIf you would like to search for anything or use Regex **plus** a 14 day search period, consider upgrading to Premium.");
                days = 14;
                let validRegex = true,
                    errorMessage = "";
                try {
                    new RegExp(;
                } catch (err) {
                    errorMessage = err.message.replace(/invalid regular expression: .*\/: /i, "");
                    validRegex = false;

                if (!validRegex) {
                    return this.ESMBot.send(, `\`${}\` is not valid regex. Reason: \`${errorMessage}\``);

            serverID: this.params.serverID,
            command: "logs",
            parameters: {
                length: days

    async fromServer() {
        if (this.params[1] == null || this.params[1].length === 0) {
            return this.ESMBot.send(, `We didn't find any log entries for \`${}\``);

        let data = {};
        for (let y = 1; y < this.params.length; y++) {
            data[this.params[y].date] = {};
            for (let log in this.params[y]) {
                let entries = [];
                let logName = "";
                switch (log) {
                    case "Exile_DeathLog.log":
                        logName = "Exile Death Log";
                    case "Exile_TerritoryLog.log":
                        logName = "Exile Territory Log";

                    case "Exile_TradingLog.log":
                        logName = "Exile Trading Log";

                for (let i = 0; i < this.params[y][log].length; i++) {
                    let entry = this.params[y][log][i];
                    let newEntry = {
                        line: entry.line
                    let match = null;

                    match = /\[(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}):.+ (-?\d{2}:\d{2})\] \[thread \d+\] /i.exec(entry.entry);
                    if (match != null) {
                        newEntry.timestamp = this.ESMBot.moment.utc(`${}T${match[1]}${match[2]}`).format("MM/d/YYYY, h:mm:ss a");
                        entry.entry = entry.entry.replace(/\[(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}):.+ (-?\d{2}:\d{2})\] \[thread \d+\] /i, "");

                    let regex = [
                        // Waste Dump
                            /player: \( \d{17} \) (.+ \(.+\))(?:\sremote)? sold item: (.+) with Cargo (\[.+\]) for (\d+) poptabs and (.+) respect \| player total money: (\d+)/i,
                            "$1 sold vehicle: <code>$2</code> containing <code>$3</code> for $4</code> poptabs and $5</code> respect. Total Player Money: $6</code> poptabs"
                        // Sold item
                            /player: \( \d{17} \) (.+ \(.+\))(?:\sremote)? sold item (.+) for (\d+) poptabs and (.+) respect \| player total money: (\d+)/i,
                            "$1 sold item <code>$2</code> for <code>$3</code> poptabs and <code>$4</code> respect. Total player money: <code>$5</code> poptabs"
                        // Vehicle skin
                            /player: \( \d{17} \) (.+ \(.+\))(?:\sremote)? purchased vehicle skin (.+) for (\d+) poptabs \| player total money: (\d+)/i,
                            "$1 purchased vehicle skin <code>$2</code> for <code>$3</code> poptabs. Total player money: <code>$4</code> poptabs"
                        // Vehicle
                            /player: \( \d{17} \) (.+ \(.+\))(?:\sremote)? purchased vehicle (.+) for (\d+) poptabs \| player total money: (\d+)/i,
                            "$1 purchased vehicle <code>$2</code> for <code>$3</code> poptabs. Total player money: <code>$4</code> poptabs"
                        // Purchase item
                            /player: \( \d{17} \) (.+ \(.+\))(?:\sremote)? purchased item (.+) for (\d+) poptabs \| player total money: (\d+)/i,
                            "$1 purchased item <code>$2</code> for <code>$3</code> poptabs. Total player money: <code>$4</code> poptabs"
                        // Upgrade Territory
                            /player \( \d{17} \) (.+ \(.+\))(?:\sremote)? paid (\d+) pop tabs to upgrade territory #(\d+) to level (\d+) \| player total pop tabs: (\d+)/i,
                            "$1 paid <code>$2</code> poptabs to upgrade their territory (ID #$3) to level $4. Total player poptabs: <code>$5</code>"
                        // Restored territory
                            /player \( \d{17} \) (.+ \(.+\))(?:\sremote)? restored the flag of territory #(\d+)/i,
                            "$1 restored the flag of territory ID #$2"
                        // Purchased Territory
                            /player \( \d{17} \) (.+ \(.+\))(?:\sremote)? paid (\d+) pop tabs to purchase a territory flag \| player total pop tabs: (\d+)/i,
                            "$1 purchased a territory flag. Cost: <code>$2</code> poptabs. Total player poptabs: <code>$3</code>"
                        // Base Protection Money
                            /player \( \d{17} \) (.+ \(.+\))(?:\sremote)? paid (\d+) pop tabs to protect territory #(\d+) \| player total pop tabs: (\d+)/i,
                            "$1 paid base protection for territory #$3. Cost: <code>$2</code> poptabs. Player total poptabs: <code>$4</code>"
                        // Ransom payment
                            /player \( \d{17} \) (.+ \(.+\))(?:\sremote)? paid (\d+) pop tabs for the ransom of territory #(\d+) \| player total pop tabs: (\d+)/i,
                            "$1 paid ransom for territory #$3. Cost <code>$2</code> poptabs. Total player poptabs: <code>$4</code>"
                        // Stole flag
                            /player \( \d{17} \) (.+ \(.+\))(?:\sremote)? stole a level (\d+) flag from territory #(\d+)/i,
                            "$1 stole a level $2 flag from territory #$3"

                    for (let x = 0; x < regex.length; x++) {
                        match = regex[x][0].exec(entry.entry);
                        if (match != null) {
                            newEntry.entry = entry.entry.replace(regex[x][0], regex[x][1]);

                    if (newEntry.entry == null) {
                        newEntry.entry = entry.entry;

                data[this.params[y].date][logName] = entries;

        let targetInfo = {};
        if (this.util.regex.steamUID.base.test(this.params[0].search)) {
            targetInfo.uid = this.params[0].search;
            let discordIDs = await this.db.getDiscordIDsFromSteamUID(targetInfo.uid);

            if (!this.util.isEmpty(discordIDs)) {
                targetInfo.discord_users = [];

                for (let id of discordIDs) {
                    let discordUser = await this.ESMBot.getUser(id);
                    if (discordUser != null) {
                        targetInfo.discord_users.push([discordUser.username, discordUser.discriminator]);


            let profileData = await Steam.getSteamUserData(targetInfo.uid);
            if (profileData.response) {
                targetInfo.steam_username =;
                targetInfo.steam_profile_url =;

        let requestingUser = await this.ESMBot.getUser(;

        let expires = this.ESMBot.moment.utc().add("1", "d");
        let hash = await this.db.generateLinkHash({
                requested_by: {
                    username: requestingUser.username,
                    discriminator: requestingUser.discriminator,
                    avatar: requestingUser.avatarURL()
                server_id: this.serverID,
                requested_at: this.ESMBot.moment.utc().format(),
                entries: data,
                target_info: targetInfo,
                search: this.params[0].search

        this.ESMBot.send(, {
            title: `Log Parsing on ${this.serverID} completed`,
            description: `Search results for \`${this.params[0].search}\`: [Results](${this.ESMBot.config.DEBUG ? `http://localhost:3000/logs/${hash}` : `${hash}`})`,
            footer: {
                text: `Link expires on ${expires.format("MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a")}`
            color: this.ESMBot.colors.GREEN
All opinions represented herein are my own
- © 2024 itsthedevman
- build 340fbb8