Friday, September 20, 2024 4:37:11 AM
> settings



> grantTempAccess.sqf
_playerNetID = _this select 0;
_targetNetID = _this select 1;

	// Get the player object based on how the server is set up
	if (ArcasDevTools_Server_Exiled) then
		_playerObject = _playerNetID call ExileServer_system_session_getPlayerObject;
		_playerObject = objectFromNetID _playerNetID;
	// Make sure we have something to work with
	if (isNull _playerObject) then
		throw "Player is Null";
	_targetObject = objectFromNetid(_targetNetID);
	if ([_playerObject, _targetObject] call ArcasServer_util_isNullOrDead) then 
		throw "Target is dead or null";
	// Get some information
	_playerUID = getPlayerUID _playerObject;
	_playerName = name _playerObject;
	// Get some information
	_targetUID = getPlayerUID _playerObject;
	_targetName = name _playerObject;
	// Make sure nobody is trying to call this without us knowing
	if !(_playerUID in ADT_DEVELOPER_UIDS) then
		throw format["Player %1 does not have access!", _playerUID];
	if !(_targetObject getVariable ["ADT_TempAccessGranted", false]) then 
		throw format["Target %1 already has access to ADT Lite", _targetName];
		// Key F5
		ADTLITE_KeyOpen = 0x3F; 

		ADTLITE_Vehicles = [];
		ADTLITE_IsOpen = false;
		ADTLITE_ExileClient = false;
		ADTLITE_AftermathClient = false;
		ADTLITE_Spawn = false;
		ADTLITE_Thread_Godmode = false;
		ADTLITE_KeyUp = -1;
		ADTLITE_KeyDown = -1;
		ADTLITE_MapTP_KeyDown = -1;
		ADTLITE_MapTP_WaitingForClick = false;
		ADTLITE_MapTP_KeyUp	= -1;

		ADTLITE_Functions = 
			["Godmode", "adt_fn_godmode", "adt_toggle_godmode_enabled"],
			["Map TP", "adt_fn_mapTP", "adt_toggle_mapTP_enabled"],
			["Forward TP", "adt_fn_forwardTP", "adt_toggle_forwardTP_enabled"],
			["Jump", "adt_fn_jump", "adt_toggle_jump_enabled"],
			["Heal Self", "adt_fn_healSelf"],
			["Teleport To Target", "adt_fn_teleportToTarget"],
			["Spawn Vehicle", "adt_fn_loadVehicle"],
			["Virtual Arsenal", "adt_fn_virtualArsenal"]

		ADTLITE_BackgroundBlur = ppEffectCreate ["dynamicBlur", 401];
		ADTLITE_BackgroundBlur ppEffectAdjust [1];
		ADTLITE_BackgroundBlur ppEffectCommit 0;
		ADTLITE_BackgroundBlur ppEffectEnable false;

		// Check for exile client
		if (isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "exile_client")) then
		    ADTLITE_ExileClient = true;

		// Check for Aftermath Client
		if (isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "aftermath_client")) then 
		    ADTLITE_AftermathClient = true;


			Compile any configs
		adt_fn_compileConfigs = 
			    ADTLITE_Vehicles pushBack [getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> configName _x >> "displayName"), (configName _x)];
			count ('((getNumber (_x >> ''scope'') >= 2) && {!(getText(_x >> ''picture'') isEqualTo '''')} && {configName _x isKindOf ''allVehicles'' && !(configName _x isKindOf ''Man'')})' configClasses (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles'));
			ADTLITE_Vehicles sort true;

			Displays a notification
		adt_fn_notify = 
			_message = _this;
			if (_message isEqualType []) then 
				_message = format["%1 Toggled [%2]", _this select 0, ["OFF", "ON"] select (_this select 1)];
			if (ADTLITE_ExileClient) then
			    ["SuccessTitleAndText", ["ADT Lite", _message]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
			    systemChat _message;

			Toggles the background blur
		adt_fn_toggleBlur = 
			if (_this) then
				ADTLITE_BackgroundBlur ppEffectAdjust [2];
				ADTLITE_BackgroundBlur ppEffectEnable true;
				ADTLITE_BackgroundBlur ppEffectCommit 1;
				ADTLITE_BackgroundBlur ppEffectAdjust [0];
				ADTLITE_BackgroundBlur ppEffectCommit 0;
				ADTLITE_BackgroundBlur ppEffectEnable false;

			Creates a simple ctrl
				Type <STRING>
				Position <ARRAY>
				Text <STRING> (Optional)
				BackgroundColor <ARRAY> (Optional)
		adt_fn_buildCtrl = 
			_type = _this select 0;
			_position = _this select 1;
			_idc = param [2, -1];
			_text = param [3, ""];
			_backgroundColor = param [4, [1,1,1,0]];
			_ctrl = _display ctrlCreate [_type, _idc];
			_ctrl ctrlSetText _text;
			_ctrl ctrlSetBackgroundColor _backgroundColor;
			_ctrl ctrlSetPosition 
				(_position select 0) * safezoneW + safezoneX,
				(_position select 1) * safezoneH + safezoneY,
				(_position select 2) * safezoneW,
				(_position select 3) * safezoneH
			_ctrl ctrlCommit 0;

			Build the GUI
		adt_fn_buildGUI = 
			private _display = findDisplay 46 createDisplay "RscDisplayEmpty";
			uiNamespace setVariable ["RscADTLite", _display];
			_display displayAddEventHandler ["Unload", 
				false call adt_fn_toggleBlur;
				ADTLITE_IsOpen = false;
				ADTLITE_Spawn = false;
			//	Player Section
			// Title
			["RscText", [0.0101562, 0.0116, 0.118594, 0.022], -1, "Online Players", [0.251, 0.322, 0.227, 1]] call adt_fn_buildCtrl;
			// Background
			["RscText", [0.0101562, 0.038, 0.118594, 0.297], -1, "", [0.161, 0.161, 0.161, 0.8]] call adt_fn_buildCtrl;
			// Listbox
			private _playerListbox = ["RscListbox", [0.0101558, 0.071, 0.118594, 0.253], IDC_ADT_LITE_PLAYER_LISTBOX, "", [0.161, 0.161, 0.161, 0.9]] call adt_fn_buildCtrl;

			// Searchbox
			private _playerSearchbox = ["RscEdit", [0.0153125, 0.0446, 0.108281, 0.022]] call adt_fn_buildCtrl;
			// Add the players into the listbox
			lbClear _playerListbox;
				private _dist = round(player distance getPos _x);
				private _playerIndex = _playerListbox lbAdd format["%1", name _x];
				_playerListbox lbSetTextRight [_playerIndex, format["%1m", _dist]];
				if (_x isEqualTo player) then
					_playerListbox lbSetColor [_playerIndex, [0.196,0.804,0.196,1]];
				_playerListbox lbSetData [_playerIndex, (netID _x)];
			forEach allPlayers;
			// Handle the player Searchbox EH
			_playerSearchbox ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers "KeyUp";
			_playerSearchbox ctrlAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", 
				private _display = uiNamespace getVariable ["RscADTLite", displayNull];
				private _playerListbox = _display displayCtrl IDC_ADT_LITE_PLAYER_LISTBOX;
				if !(isNull _playerListbox) then 
					private _search = toLower(ctrlText (_this select 0));
					// Remove all the players
					lbClear _playerListbox;
					// Add them back
						private _playerName = name _x;

						if ((toLower _playerName) find _search > -1) then
							private _dist = round(player distance getPos _x);
							private _playerIndex = _playerListbox lbAdd format["%1", _playerName];
							_playerListbox lbSetTextRight [_playerIndex, format["%1m", _dist]];
							if (_x isEqualTo player) then
								_playerListbox lbSetColor [_playerIndex, [0.196,0.804,0.196,1]];
							_playerListbox lbSetData [_playerIndex, (netID _x)];
					forEach allPlayers;
			//	Functions Section
			// Title
			["RscText", [0.0101562, 0.3526, 0.118594, 0.022], -1, "Functions", [0.227, 0.251, 0.322, 1]] call adt_fn_buildCtrl;
			// Background
			["RscText", [0.0101564, 0.379, 0.118594, 0.605], -1, "", [0.161, 0.161, 0.161, 0.8]] call adt_fn_buildCtrl;
			// Listbox
			private _functionListbox = ["RscListbox", [0.0101558, 0.412, 0.118594, 0.539], IDC_ADT_LITE_FUNCTION_LISTBOX, "", [0.161, 0.161, 0.161, 0.9]] call adt_fn_buildCtrl;
			// Searchbox
			private _functionSearchbox = ["RscEdit", [0.0153125, 0.3856, 0.108281, 0.022], IDC_ADT_LITE_FUNCTION_SEARCHBOX] call adt_fn_buildCtrl;
			// Backbutton
			private _functionBackButton = ["RscButtonMenu", [0.0771875, 0.9554, 0.0515625, 0.022], IDC_ADT_LITE_FUNCTION_BACK_BUTTON, "Back", [0.161, 0.161, 0.161, 0.9]] call adt_fn_buildCtrl;

			_functionSearchbox ctrlShow false;
			_functionBackButton ctrlShow false;
			// Set up the functions listbox
			lbClear _functionListbox;
				private _name = _x select 0;
				private _function = _x select 1;
				private _activeVar = _x param [2, ""];
				private _index = _functionListbox lbAdd _name;
				_functionListbox lbSetData [_index, str([_function, _activeVar])];
				if !(_activeVar isEqualTo "") then 
					private _isActive = missionNamespace getVariable [_activeVar, -1];
					if (_isActive isEqualTo -1) then 
						missionNamespace setVariable [_activeVar, false];
						_isActive = false;
					// Set our toggle color
					if (_isActive) then 
						_functionListbox lbSetColor [_index, [0.604, 0.953, 0.067, 1]];
			forEach ADTLITE_Functions;
			// DoubleClick EH
			_functionListbox ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers "LBDblClick";
			_functionListbox ctrlAddEventHandler ["LBDblClick", 
				private _control = _this select 0;
				private _index = _this select 1;
				// Get the data
				private _data = parseSimpleArray(_control lbData _index);
				// Make sure we have shit
				if !(_data isEqualTo []) then 
					if (ADTLITE_Spawn) then 
						private _className = _data select 0;
						if !(_className isEqualTo "") then
						    private _position = AGLToASL (player modelToWorld [0,10,0]);
						    private _dir = getDir (vehicle player);
						    private _veh = _className createVehicle _position;
						    _veh setPosASL _position;
						    _veh setDir _dir;
						    format["Spawned %1", _className] call adt_fn_notify;
						private _function = _data select 0;
						private _activeVar = _data select 1;
						// Do we have an active Var
						if !(_activeVar isEqualTo "") then 
							private _isActive = missionNamespace getVariable [_activeVar, false];
							// Call the function
							_isActive call (missionNamespace getVariable [_function, {}]);
							// Set the color
							_control lbSetColor 
									[1, 1, 1, 1], 
									[0.604, 0.953, 0.067, 1]
								select !(_isActive)
							// Save it back
							missionNamespace setVariable [_activeVar, !(_isActive)];	
							// Notify us
							[_control lbText _index, !(_isActive)] call adt_fn_notify;
							call (missionNamespace getVariable [_function, {}]);
			// Add the functionality of the back button when it's pressed!
			_functionBackButton ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers "ButtonClick";
			_functionBackButton ctrlAddEventHandler ["ButtonClick", 
				private _display = uiNamespace getVariable ["RscADTLite", displayNull];
				private _functionListbox = _display displayCtrl IDC_ADT_LITE_FUNCTION_LISTBOX;
				private _searchbox = _display displayCtrl IDC_ADT_LITE_FUNCTION_SEARCHBOX;
				private _backButton = _display displayCtrl IDC_ADT_LITE_FUNCTION_BACK_BUTTON;
				_searchbox ctrlShow false;
				_backButton ctrlShow false;
				ADTLITE_Spawn = false;
				if !(isNull _functionListbox) then 
					lbClear _functionListbox;
					// Loop through and add everything back
						private _name = _x select 0;
						private _function = _x select 1;
						private _activeVar = _x param [2, ""];
						private _index = _functionListbox lbAdd _name;
						_functionListbox lbSetData [_index, str([_function, _activeVar])];
						if !(_activeVar isEqualTo "") then 
							private _isActive = missionNamespace getVariable [_activeVar, false];
							// Set our toggle color
							if (_isActive) then 
								_functionListbox lbSetColor [_index, [0.604, 0.953, 0.067, 1]];
					forEach ADTLITE_Functions;
			// Handle the player Searchbox EH
			_functionSearchbox ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers "KeyUp";
			_functionSearchbox ctrlAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", 
				private _display = uiNamespace getVariable ["RscADTLite", displayNull];
				private _functionListbox = _display displayCtrl IDC_ADT_LITE_PLAYER_LISTBOX;
				if !(isNull _functionListbox) then 
					private _search = toLower(ctrlText (_this select 0));
					lbClear _listbox;
						if ((toLower (_x select 0)) find _search > -1 || (toLower (_x select 1)) find _search > -1) then
							_index = _listbox lbAdd (_x select 0);
							_listbox lbSetData [_index, _x select 1];
							_listbox lbSetPicture [_index, getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (_x select 1) >> "picture")];
					forEach ADTLITE_Vehicles;
			// Blur the background
			true call adt_fn_toggleBlur;
			// Yeahhhhh
			ADTLITE_IsOpen = true;

			Toggle Godmode
		adt_fn_godmode =
			if !(_this) then 
				[] spawn 
					ADTLITE_Thread_Godmode = true;
					while {ADTLITE_Thread_Godmode} do
						if (alive player && {(vehicle player) isEqualTo player}) then
							player allowDamage false;
							player removeAllEventhandlers "HandleDamage";
							player addEventhandler ["HandleDamage", {false}];
							player setBleedingRemaining 0;
							player setOxygenRemaining 1;
							player setFatigue 0;
							if (damage player > 0) then { player setDamage 0; };
							// Only run for Exile
							if (ADTLITE_ExileClient) then 
								ExileClientPlayerAttributes = 
								if (ADTLITE_AftermathClient) then 
										100, 	// ATTRIBUTE_HEALTH
										100, 	// ATTRIBUTE_STAMINA
										100, 	// ATTRIBUTE_HUNGER
										100, 	// ATTRIBUTE_THIRST
										0, 		// ATTRIBUTE_ALCOHOL
										0, 		// ATTRIBUTE_WETNESS
										300		// ATTRIBUTE_GASMASK_TIME
										100, 	// ATTRIBUTE_HEALTH
										100, 	// ATTRIBUTE_STAMINA
										100, 	// ATTRIBUTE_HUNGER
										100, 	// ATTRIBUTE_THIRST
										0, 		// ATTRIBUTE_ALCOHOL
										0 		// ATTRIBUTE_WETNESS
								ExileClientPlayerAttributesASecondAgo = ExileClientPlayerAttributes;
								ExileClientPlayerLastHpRegenerationAt = diag_tickTime;
								ExileClientPlayerIsOverburdened = false;
								ExileClientPlayerOxygen = 100;
								ExileClientPlayerIsAbleToBreathe = true;
								ExileClientPlayerIsDrowning = false;
								ExileClientPlayerIsInjured = false;
								ExileClientPlayerIsBurning = false;
								ExileClientPlayerIsBleeding = false;
								ExileClientPlayerIsExhausted = false;
								ExileClientPlayerIsHungry = false;
								ExileClientPlayerIsThirsty = false;
								if (ADTLITE_AftermathClient) then 
									AftermathHearingLossTimeout = 0;
									AftermathPlayerHearingLossActive = false;
									AftermathClientIsPlayerForcedWalking = false;
									AftermathClientRadiationProtected = true;

						uiSleep 0.1;
				ADTLITE_Thread_Godmode = false;
				player allowDamage true;
				player removeAllEventhandlers 'HandleDamage';
				if (ADTLITE_ExileClient) then 
					player addEventHandler ['HandleDamage', {_this call ExileClient_object_player_event_onHandleDamage}];

			Toggle MapTP
		adt_fn_mapTP =
			if !(_this) then
			    ["ADTLITE_MapEH", "onMapSingleClick", 
			        if (ADTLITE_MapTP_WaitingForClick) then
			            private _veh = vehicle player;
			            if (_veh isEqualTo player) then
			                _veh setPosATL _pos;
			                if (_veh isKindOf 'AIR') then
			                    private _posObj = getPosATL _veh;
			                    _pos = [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, _posObj select 2];
			                    _veh setPosATL _pos;
			            {player reveal _x; false} count (_pos nearObjects 50);
			    call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;
			    ["ADTLITE_MapEH", "onMapSingleClick"] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler;

			Toggles Forward TP
		adt_fn_forwardTP = 
			"To teleport forward, press shift-5" call adt_fn_notify;

			Toggles the ability to jump
		adt_fn_jump =
			"To jump, press shift-4" call adt_fn_notify;

			Toggles Heal Self
		adt_fn_healSelf =
			player setDamage 0;
			player setBleedingRemaining 0;
			player setOxygenRemaining 1;
			player setFatigue 0;
			if (ADTLITE_ExileClient) then
			    ExileClientPlayerAttributes = [100,100,100,100,0,37,0];
			    ExileClientPlayerAttributesASecondAgo = ExileClientPlayerAttributes;
			    ExileClientPlayerLastHpRegenerationAt = diag_tickTime;
			    ExileClientPlayerIsOverburdened = false;
			    ExileClientPlayerOxygen = 100;
			    ExileClientPlayerIsAbleToBreathe = true;
			    ExileClientPlayerIsDrowning = false;
			    ExileClientPlayerIsInjured = false;
			    ExileClientPlayerIsBurning = false;
			    ExileClientPlayerIsBleeding = false;
			    ExileClientPlayerIsExhausted = false;
			    ExileClientPlayerIsHungry = false;
			    ExileClientPlayerIsThirsty = false;
			    ExilePlayerRadiation = 0;
			    ExilePlayerRadiationLastCheck = 0;
			"You are fully healed" call adt_fn_notify;

			Toggles Ability to teleport to another player
		adt_fn_teleportToTarget =
			private _display = uiNamespace getVariable ["RscADTLite", displayNull];
			private _listbox = _display displayCtrl IDC_ADT_LITE_FUNCTION_LISTBOX;
			private _target = _listbox lbData (lbCurSel _listbox);
			_target = objectFromnetID _target;
			if (!alive _target || isNull _target) exitWith
			    "Target isn't alive or is null!" call adt_fn_notify;
			private _targetName = name _target;
			private _posATL = getPosATL _target;
			private _pos = _target modelToWorld [0,-5,0];
			_pos set [2, _posATL select 2];
			player setPosATL _pos;
			format["Teleported to %1", _targetName] call adt_fn_notify;

			loads all the vehicles into the listbox
		adt_fn_loadVehicle =
			private _display = uiNamespace getVariable ["RscADTLite", displayNull];
			private _listbox = _display displayCtrl IDC_ADT_LITE_FUNCTION_LISTBOX;
			private _searchbox = _display displayCtrl IDC_ADT_LITE_FUNCTION_SEARCHBOX;
			private _backButton = _display displayCtrl IDC_ADT_LITE_FUNCTION_BACK_BUTTON;
			_searchbox ctrlShow true;
			_backButton ctrlShow true;
			lbClear _listbox;
				_index = _listbox lbAdd (_x select 0);
				_listbox lbSetData [_index, str([_x select 1])];
				_listbox lbSetPicture [_index, getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (_x select 1) >> "picture")];
			forEach ADTLITE_Vehicles;
			ADTLITE_Spawn = true;

			Shows the virtual arsenal
		adt_fn_virtualArsenal =
			false call adt_fn_toggleBlur;
			ADTLITE_IsOpen = false;
			ADTLITE_Spawn = false;
			closeDialog 1;
			["Open", true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal;

			Process the rest of this!

		// Compile the configs, might be a little laggy
		call adt_fn_compileConfigs;

		// Hook some shit
		ADTLITE_KeyUp = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", 
			_stopPropagation = false;
			if ((_this select 1) isEqualTo ADTLITE_KeyOpen && {!ADTLITE_IsOpen}) then 
				call adt_fn_buildGUI; 
				_stopPropagation = true;

		// Hook some shit
		ADTLITE_KeyDown = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", 
			private _stopPropagation = false;
			private _caller = _this select 0;
			private _keyCode = _this select 1;
			private _shiftState = _this select 2;
			private _controlState = _this select 3;
			private _altState = _this select 4;
			switch (_keyCode) do
				// Key 4
				case 0x05:
					if (adt_toggle_jump_enabled) then
						if (_shiftState) then
							private _vehicle = vehicle player;
							_vehicle setVelocity [(velocity _vehicle) select 0, (velocity _vehicle) select 1, 10];
						_stopPropagation = true;
				// Key 5
				case 0x06:
					if (adt_toggle_forwardTP_enabled) then
						if (_shiftState) then
						    private _veh = vehicle player;
						    private _dir = getdir _veh;
						    private _pos = getPos _veh;
						    _pos = [(_pos select 0) + 10 * sin(_dir), (_pos select 1) + 10 * cos(_dir), (_pos select 2)];
						    _veh setPos _pos;
						_stopPropagation = true;

		ADTLITE_MapTP_KeyDown = (findDisplay 12) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown",
		    if (_this select 3) then
		        ADTLITE_MapTP_WaitingForClick = true;

		ADTLITE_MapTP_KeyUp = (findDisplay 12) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp",
		    ADTLITE_MapTP_WaitingForClick = false;
		"You've been given access to ADT Lite. Press F5 to open the tools" call adt_fn_notify;
	// Send it
	(owner _targetObject) publicVariableClient "ADT_PACKAGE";
	// Exec it
	[] remoteExec ["ADT_PACKAGE", owner _targetObject];
	_exception call ArcasServer_util_log;

All opinions represented herein are my own
- © 2024 itsthedevman
- build 340fbb8