Thursday, September 19, 2024 3:12:38 PM
> settings





All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Added Rust based extension with Windows x32/x64 and Linux x32/x64 support
  • Added @esm/sql directory for storing SQL related files
  • Added @esm/sql/01.sql for this releases required migrations
  • Added helper function ESMs_system_account_isKnown for checking if a steam UID is known
  • Added helper function ESMs_util_command_handleFailure for handling when a command fails
  • Added helper function ESMs_util_command_handleSuccess for handling when a command succeeds
  • Added helper functions for Arrays
    • ESMs_util_array_all: Returns true if all elements match the predicate
    • ESMs_util_array_isValidHashMap: Returns true if an array is in the HashMap format
    • ESMs_util_array_map: Returns a new array containing the results of the code block
  • Added helper functions for HashMaps
    • ESMs_util_hashmap_dig: Recursively “digs” into the hashMap to return the value at the end of the list of keys
    • ESMs_util_hashmap_fromArray: Creates a HashMap from an array
    • ESMs_util_hashmap_key: Returns if the key exists in the hashMap
    • ESMs_util_hashmap_toArray: Converts a hashMap to an array
  • Added territory admin bypass for /territory set_id
  • Added end-to-end encryption
  • Added Arma 3 stringtable localization
  • Added config.yml for extension configuration
    • connection_url: The URL the extension connects to (used for development)
    • database_uri: The full MySQL database URI to the Exile database. Bypass URI discovery through extDB configs
    • extdb_conf_header_name: The header name that contains the configuration for extDB
    • extdb_conf_path: The full file path to the extDB config file. Bypasses extDB config discovery
    • extdb_version: The version of extDB being used. Bypasses extDB version discovery
    • log_level: Controls the verbosity ESM logging
    • log_output: Controls if ESM will log to RPT, to the extension’s log, or both
    • logging_path: The full path where ESM will log store its logs
    • number_locale: Controls how numbers are formatted
    • server_mod_name: The name of @ExileServer on this server. Linux uses @exileserver
  • Added extension endpoint utc_timestamp for returning the current UTC timestamp
  • Added extension endpoint set_territory_payment_counter that sets the counter value for an array of territory IDs.


  • Changed database ID encoded hashing algorithm to utilize a unique server key making encoded territory IDs unique to each individual server
  • Changed Exile file naming prefix for ESM’s server and client functions.
    • ESMs (ESMServer) means a server function
    • ESMc (ESMClient) means a client function
  • Changed file naming scheme from BIS to Exile
  • Changed how ESM responds to invalid territory IDs by returning a generic territory not found message
  • Moved embedded SQL in extension into separate SQL files in @esm/sql/queries
  • Renamed ESM_DatabaseVersion to ESM_DatabaseExtension
  • Renamed ESM_PayTaxPercentage to ESM_Taxes_TerritoryPayment
  • Renamed ESM_UpgradeTaxPercentage to ESM_Taxes_TerritoryUpgrade
  • Replaced ESM_fnc_addPlayerToTerritory with ESMs_command_add
  • Replaced ESM_fnc_callExtension with ESMs_system_extension_call
  • Replaced ESM_fnc_demotePlayer with ESMs_command_demote
  • Replaced ESM_fnc_exec with ESMs_command_sqf
  • Replaced ESM_fnc_getFlagObject with ESMs_system_territory_get
  • Replaced ESM_fnc_handleCallback with ESMs_system_extension_callback
  • Replaced ESM_fnc_hasAccessToTerritory with ESMs_system_territory_checkAccess
  • Replaced ESM_fnc_incrementPaymentCounter with ESMs_system_territory_incrementPaymentCounter
  • Replaced ESM_fnc_log and ESM_fnc_logToDLL with RPT and extension based logging through ESMs_util_log
  • Replaced ESM_fnc_logToDiscord with ESMs_system_network_discord_log
  • Replaced ESM_fnc_payTerritory with ESMs_command_pay
  • Replaced ESM_fnc_postServerInitialization with ESMs_system_process_postInit
  • Replaced ESM_fnc_preInit with ESMs_system_process_preInit
  • Replaced ESM_fnc_promotePlayer with ESMs_command_promote
  • Replaced ESM_fnc_removePlayerFromTerritory with ESMs_command_remove
  • Replaced ESM_fnc_resetPaymentCounter with ESMs_system_territory_resetPaymentCounter
  • Replaced ESM_fnc_respond with ESMs_system_message_respond_to
  • Replaced ESM_fnc_respondWithError and ESM_fnc_respondWithErrorCode with ESMs_system_message_respond_withError
  • Replaced ESM_fnc_scalarToString with extension based function ESMs_util_number_toString for speedy formatting
  • Replaced ESM_fnc_sendToChannel with ESMs_system_network_discord_send_to
  • Replaced ESM_fnc_upgradeTerritory with ESMs_command_upgrade
  • Replaced ESM.key with esm.key and changed data structure
  • Reworked the reconnection workflow to keep attempting to reconnect without limit.
    • The extension will start trying to reconnect every 15 seconds, gradually increasing the wait time, up to a maximum of 5 minutes.


  • Removed ESM_fnc_attemptReconnect
All opinions represented herein are my own
- © 2024 itsthedevman
- build 3c15a1b