Friday, September 20, 2024 2:56:20 AM
> settings



> _edit.html.erb
<h1>Modify Community</h1>
<%= form_for current_community, url: community_path(current_community.public_id), html: { id: "edit-community" } do |f| %>
  <%# Community ID %>
  <div class="uk-margin-medium-top">
    <% if !current_community.player_mode_enabled? %>
      <div class="uk-margin-bottom">
        <h3 class="uk-margin-remove-bottom">Community ID</h3>
          Your community's unique ID for ESM. This ID is used in commands that require referencing your community or servers.
      <div class="uk-form-controls">
        <%= f.hidden_field :current_community_id, value: current_community.community_id %>
        <%= f.text_field :community_id, placeholder: current_community.community_id, class: "uk-input uk-form-width-large" %>
        <small name="community-id-error"></small>
  <% end %>
  <% if !current_community.player_mode_enabled? %>
    <%# Logging Channel %>
    <div class="uk-margin-medium-top">
      <div class="uk-margin-bottom">
        <h3 class="uk-margin-remove-bottom">Log Channel</h3>
          Which channel should receive messages from your servers, plus notifications below.
          <span class="esm-text-color-red">We recommend creating a private channel for this, as it may contain sensitive information</span>
      <div class="uk-form-controls">
        <%= channel_select("community[logging_channel_id]", current_community.admin_channels, class: "uk-select uk-form-width-large", selected: current_community.logging_channel_id) %>
    <%# Log Events %>
    <div class="uk-margin-medium-top">
      <div class="uk-margin-bottom">
        <h3 class="uk-margin-remove-bottom">Log Events</h3>
        <small>What types of events do you want to receive to your logging channel?</small>
      <div class="uk-form-controls uk-form-controls-text">
        <%# log_reconnect_event %>
        <div class="uk-margin-small">
          <div class="uk-grid uk-grid-collapse uk-switch-grid" uk-grid uk-tooltip="title: Logs whenever your server connects or disconnects to the bot; pos: right">
              <label class="uk-switch uk-light" >
                <%= f.check_box :log_reconnect_event %>
                <div class="uk-switch-slider uk-switch-on-off round"></div>
              <p>Server Connect/Disconnect</p>
        <%# log_discord_log_event %>
        <div class="uk-margin-small">
          <div class="uk-grid uk-grid-collapse uk-switch-grid" uk-grid uk-tooltip="title: Logs any messages received from your servers using `ESM_fnc_logToDiscord`. This includes logs from ESM's A3 commands; pos: right">
              <label class="uk-switch uk-light">
                <%= f.check_box :log_discord_log_event %>
                <div class="uk-switch-slider uk-switch-on-off round"></div>
              <p>Arma 3 Discord Logs</p>
        <%# log_xm8_event %>
        <div class="uk-margin-small">
          <div class="uk-grid uk-grid-collapse uk-switch-grid" uk-grid uk-tooltip="title: Log XM8 Notification 'receipts'. These messages contain what notification, who it's going to, and why it sent or why it didn't; pos: right">
              <label class="uk-switch uk-light">
                <%= f.check_box :log_xm8_event %>
                <div class="uk-switch-slider uk-switch-on-off round"></div>
              <p>XM8 Notifications</p>
    <%# Territory Management %>
    <div class="uk-margin-medium-top">
      <div class="uk-margin-bottom">
        <h3 class="uk-margin-remove-bottom">
          Territory Management
          Users with these roles will be able to run territory based commands as the owner, regardless of them being a member of that territory.
      <%= tag.div class: "uk-width-3-4@m uk-child-width-1-2@m uk-child-width-1-1 role-selector",
        data: { roles: current_community.roles, selected_roles: current_community.territory_admins },
        id: "role-selector-territory-management",
        "uk-grid": "" do %>
          <label class="uk-form-label">Available Roles</label>
          <div class="uk-form-controls">
            <select class="uk-select" uk-tooltip="Roles with Administrator permission automatically have access" v-model="selectedRole">
                v-for="role of roles"
                :style="{ color: role.selected ? '' : '#' + role.color + ' !important' }"
            <button class="uk-button esm-button uk-margin-top uk-width-1-1" type="button" :disabled="disableAddButton" @click="addRole">Add</button>
          <label class="uk-form-label">Selected Roles</label>
          <div class="uk-form-controls">
            <table class="uk-table uk-table-small">
                <tr v-for="role of selectedRoles">
                  <%= f.hidden_field :territory_admin_ids, ":value": "", multiple: true %>
                  <td class="uk-width-4-5" :style="{ color: '#' + role.color + ' !important' }">{{}}</td>
                  <td class="uk-table-shrink uk-width-1-5">
                    <a class="fas fa-times" @click="removeRole(role)"></a>
      <% end %>
  <% end %>
  <%# Server Dashboard Management %>
  <div class="uk-margin-medium-top">
    <div class="uk-margin-bottom">
      <h3 class="uk-margin-remove-bottom">
        Server Dashboard Management
        Users with these roles will have full management access to this community's server dashboard. Useful for communities with non-admin developers
    <%= tag.div class: "uk-width-3-4@m uk-child-width-1-2@m uk-child-width-1-1 role-selector",
      data: { roles: current_community.roles, selected_roles: current_community.dashboard_admins },
      id: "role-selector-dashboard-management",
      "uk-grid": "" do %>
        <label class="uk-form-label">Available Roles</label>
        <div class="uk-form-controls">
          <select class="uk-select" uk-tooltip="Roles with Administrator permission automatically have access" v-model="selectedRole">
              v-for="role of roles"
              :style="{ color: role.selected ? '' : '#' + role.color + ' !important' }"
          <button class="uk-button esm-button uk-margin-top uk-width-1-1" type="button" :disabled="disableAddButton" @click="addRole">Add</button>
        <label class="uk-form-label">Selected Roles</label>
        <div class="uk-form-controls">
          <table class="uk-table uk-table-small">
              <tr v-for="role of selectedRoles">
                <%= f.hidden_field :dashboard_access_role_ids, ":value": "", multiple: true %>
                <td class="uk-width-4-5" :style="{ color: '#' + role.color + ' !important' }">{{}}</td>
                <td class="uk-table-shrink uk-width-1-5">
                  <a class="fas fa-times" @click="removeRole(role)"></a>
    <% end %>
  <%# Welcome Message %>
  <div class="uk-margin-medium-top">
    <div class="uk-margin-bottom">
      <h3 class="uk-margin-remove-bottom">
        <label class="uk-switch uk-light">
          <%= f.check_box :welcome_message_enabled %>
          <div class="uk-switch-slider uk-switch-on-off round"></div>
        Welcome Message
        When enabled, ESM will automatically greet new members of your Discord server to let them know about ESM and its features.
        You may add additional information below that will be included in this welcome message.
    <div class="uk-form-controls uk-width-2-3" id="character-counter" data-content="<%= current_community.welcome_message %>">
      <%= f.text_area :welcome_message, class: "uk-textarea", rows: 5, disabled: !current_community.welcome_message_enabled, "v-model": "content", "@keydown": "onKeyDown" %>
      <div class="uk-align-right">
        <small :class="{ 'esm-text-color-red': limitReached }">{{ characterCount }}/{{ maxCharacterCount }}</small>
  <div div class="uk-position-bottom-right uk-position-medium uk-visible@m">
    <button class="uk-button esm-button uk-margin-right esm-button-danger" type="button" uk-tooltip="You will be required to confirm deletion" uk-toggle="target: #delete-community" :disabled="processing">Delete Community</button>
    <%= f.submit "Save Changes", class: "uk-button esm-button-confirm" %>
  <div class="uk-hidden@m uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom" uk-margin>
    <button class="uk-button esm-button uk-margin-right esm-button-danger uk-width-1-1" type="button" uk-tooltip="You will be required to confirm deletion" uk-toggle="target: #delete-community" :disabled="processing">Delete Community</button>
    <%= f.submit "Save Changes", class: "uk-button esm-button-confirm" %>
<% end %>
All opinions represented herein are my own
- © 2024 itsthedevman
- build 340fbb8