Friday, September 20, 2024 3:00:25 AM
> settings



> _profile.html.erb
<div class="uk-child-width-1-2@s uk-child-width-1-1" uk-grid>
    <h4>Discord Profile</h4>
    <div class="steam-profile" uk-grid>
      <div class="uk-width-1-3 uk-padding-remove">
        <%= image_tag current_user.avatar_url, class: "uk-border-circle", width: 150, height: 150 %>
      <div class="uk-width-2-3">
        <form class="uk-form-stacked">
          <div class="uk-margin">
            <label class="uk-form-label">USERNAME</label>
            <div class="uk-form-controls"><%= current_user.user_name %></div>
          <div class="uk-margin">
            <label class="uk-form-label">DISCORD ID</label>
            <div class="uk-form-controls"><%= current_user.discord_id %></div>
          <div class="uk-margin">
            <label class="uk-form-label esm-text-color-red">NOT THE CORRECT ACCOUNT?</label>
            <div class="uk-form-controls">
              <p>Please read all instructions before proceeding</p>
              <ol class="uk-list uk-list-decimal">
                  Log out of this account by hovering your mouse over your avatar in the top right and click log out.
                  Click Login at the top right.
                  When your on the Discord login screen, click the <span style="color: #7289da;">Not you?</span> link to change accounts.
    <h4>Steam Profile</h4>
    <% if current_user.registered? %>
      <div class="steam-profile" uk-grid>
        <div class="uk-width-1-3 uk-padding-remove">
          <% if steam_info.avatar %>
            <%= link_to image_tag(steam_info.avatar, width: 150, height: 150, class: "uk-border-circle"), steam_info.profile_url %>
          <% else %>
            <%= link_to image_tag("default-steam-profile.png", width: 150, height: 150, class: "uk-border-circle"), steam_info.profile_url %>
          <% end %>
        <div class="uk-width-2-3">
          <form class="uk-form-stacked">
            <div class="uk-margin">
              <label class="uk-form-label">USERNAME</label>
              <div class="uk-form-controls"><%= steam_info.username %></div>
            <div class="uk-margin">
              <label class="uk-form-label">STEAM UID</label>
              <div class="uk-form-controls"><%= link_to current_user.steam_uid, steam_info.profile_url, target: "_blank" %></div>
            <div class="uk-margin">
              <label class="uk-form-label">DANGER ZONE</label>
              <div class="uk-form-controls">
                <%= link_to "Deregister", deregister_user_path, class: "uk-button esm-button-danger", data: { confirm: "Are you sure you want to deregister?" } %>
    <% else %>
      <p>Want to use Exile Server Manager to it's fullest? Sign into Steam to link your Steam account with ESM</p>
      <%= link_to image_tag(""), link_steam_path, method: :post  %>
    <% end %>
All opinions represented herein are my own
- © 2024 itsthedevman
- build 340fbb8