Friday, September 20, 2024 12:06:48 AM
> settings



> root_about_site_component.html.erb
<div class="window">
  <div class="title">
    > what is this?

  <div class="reading-font">
      You've stumbled upon my little corner of the internet!
      This website serves as my playground for experimenting with web technologies, a showcase for my <%= link_to "projects", projects_path %>, and a space to share what I've learned along the way.

    <h3>What's under the hood?</h3>

        <strong>Backend Framework:</strong>
        <%= link_to "Ruby on Rails 7", "", target: "_blank" %>

        <%= link_to "PostgreSQL", "", target: "_blank" %>

        <strong>Caching and Key-Value Store:</strong>
        <%= link_to "Redis", "", target: "_blank" %>

        <strong>Frontend Interactivity:</strong>
        <%= link_to "Hotwire (HTML Over The Wire)", "", target: "_blank" %>

        <strong>Frontend Architecture and UI Design:</strong>
        <%= link_to "ViewComponents", "", target: "_blank" %>,
        <%= link_to "Bootstrap 5.3", "", target: "_blank" %>
        <%= link_to "custom SASS modifications", project_path(id: "itsthedevman", file_path: "app/assets/stylesheets/vendor/_bootstrap.scss"), target: "_blank" %>

        <strong>Version Control:</strong>
        <%= link_to "Git", "", target: "_blank" %>

        <strong>CI/CD:</strong> <%= link_to "Capistrano", "", target: "_blank" %>

        <strong>Host:</strong> <%= link_to "OVH", "", target: "_blank" %>

    <p class="mb-0">
      For your reading comfort, you may adjust the font for content text via the settings menu in the navigation bar, or navigation menu on mobile.
All opinions represented herein are my own
- © 2024 itsthedevman
- build 3c15a1b