Friday, September 20, 2024 1:31:25 AM
> settings



> ExileServer_MarXet_inventory_confirmStock.sqf
 * Author: WolfkillArcadia
 * © 2017 Arcas Industries
 * This work is protected by Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). 

_listingID = _this;

_stock = [];

try {
    // If listingID not what we expect, error out
    if (_listingID isEqualTo "") then
        throw 1;

    // Find which index our inventory is sitting at
    _count = -1;
        if ((_x find _listingID) != -1) then
            _count = _forEachIndex;
    } forEach MarXetInventory;

    // Didn't find the item? Not in stock!
    if (_count isEqualTo -1) then
        throw 2;

    _listingInformation = MarXetInventory select _count;

    // This is 1 when the item is available
    if ((_listingInformation select 1) isEqualTo 0) then
        throw 3;

    // Set the item to not available so other players can't grab it just in case.
    (MarXetInventory select _count) set [1,0];

    // Item must be available, lets send the data back
    _stock = _listingInformation;
    _stock = false;
    if (_exception isEqualTo 1) then
        [format["Listing ID was blank, DAFUQ?!?!?!"],"ConfirmStock"] call ExileServer_MarXet_util_log;

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- build 340fbb8