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> ExileServerManager_system_territory_handlePlayer.sqf
 * ExileServerManager_system_territory_handlePlayer
 * Bryan
 * © 2017 Arcas Industries
 * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
 * To view a copy of this license, visit

private["_option", "_flagID", "_playerUID", "_playerToBeProcessedUID", "_flagObject", "_territoryID", "_ownerUID", "_moderators", "_buildRights", "_currentBuildRights", "_territoryName"];
_option = _this select 0;
_flagID = parseNumber(_this select 1);
_playerUID = _this select 2;
_playerToBeProcessedUID = _this select 3;
	_flagObject = _flagID call ExileServerManager_util_getFlagObject;
	if (isNull _flagObject) then
		throw format["Could not find territory flag for %1", _flagID];
	_territoryID = _flagObject getVariable ["ExileDatabaseID", -1];
	if (_territoryID isEqualTo -1) then
		throw "Territory has no database ID.";
	_ownerUID = _flagObject getVariable ["ExileOwnerUID", ""];
	if (_option isEqualTo "kick") then
		if (_playerToBeProcessedUID isEqualTo _ownerUID) then
			throw "Owners cannot leave territories.";
		_moderators = _flagObject getVariable ["ExileTerritoryModerators", []];
		_buildRights = _flagObject getVariable ["ExileTerritoryBuildRights", []];
		if (_playerToBeProcessedUID isEqualTo _playerUID) then
			throw "Cannot kick yourself";
		if !(_playerUID in _moderators) then
			throw "Only moderators can kick.";
		_moderators = _moderators - [_playerToBeProcessedUID];
		_buildRights = _buildRights - [_playerToBeProcessedUID];
		_flagObject setVariable ["ExileTerritoryModerators", _moderators, true];
		_flagObject setVariable ["ExileTerritoryBuildRights", _buildRights, true];
		format["updateTerritoryBuildRights:%1:%2", _buildRights, _territoryID] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget;
		format["updateTerritoryModerators:%1:%2", _moderators, _territoryID] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget;
		if (ESM_DebugEnabled) then
			format["%1 kicked %2 from %3", _playerUID, _playerToBeProcessedUID, _territoryID] call ExileServerManager_util_log;
		if (_playerUID isEqualTo _playerToBeProcessedUID) then
			throw "Trying to add yourself, huh?";
		if (_ownerUID isEqualTo _playerToBeProcessedUID) then
			throw "The owner of this territory, you dont need build rights.";
		_currentBuildRights = _flagObject getVariable ["ExileTerritoryBuildRights", []];
		if (_playerToBeProcessedUID in _currentBuildRights) then
			throw "This player already has build rights.";
		_territoryID = _flagObject getVariable ["ExileDatabaseID", -1];
		_territoryName = _flagObject getVariable ["ExileTerritoryName", ""];
		if (_territoryID isEqualTo -1) then
			throw "Territory has no database ID.";
		_currentBuildRights pushBack _playerToBeProcessedUID;
		_flagObject setVariable ["ExileTerritoryBuildRights", _currentBuildRights, true];
		format["updateTerritoryBuildRights:%1:%2", _currentBuildRights, _territoryID] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget;
		if (ESM_DebugEnabled) then
			format["%1 added %2 to %3", _playerUID, _playerToBeProcessedUID, _territoryID] call ExileServerManager_util_log;
	_exception call ExileServerManager_util_log;
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- © 2024 itsthedevman
- build 340fbb8