Friday, September 20, 2024 2:33:18 AM
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> ExileServerManager_system_thread_check.sqf
 * ExileServerManager_system_thread_check
 * Bryan
 * © 2017 Arcas Industries
 * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
 * To view a copy of this license, visit

private["_return", "_function", "_parameters"];
_return = parseSimpleArray(["request", []] call ExileServerManager_util_dll_call);
if (!(_return select 0)) exitWith {  };
if (ESM_DebugEnabled) then
	_return call ExileServerManager_util_log;
_function = (_return select 1) select 0;
_parameters = (_return select 1) select 1;
if !(_function in (getArray(configFile >> "CfgESM" >> "functionWhitelist"))) exitWith
	format["Function %1 called by ESM but it wasn't whitelisted", _function] call ExileServerManager_util_log;
if (missionNameSpace getVariable [_function, ""] isEqualTo "") exitWith
	format["Function %1 called by ESM but it wasn't compiled", _function] call ExileServerManager_util_log;
if (ESM_DebugEnabled) then
	format["Function: %1 with parameters: %2", _function, _parameters] call ExileServerManager_util_log;
_parameters spawn (missionNamespace getVariable [_function, {}]);
All opinions represented herein are my own
- © 2024 itsthedevman
- build 340fbb8