Friday, September 20, 2024 4:27:13 AM
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> _2022-04-15.html.erb
<h2><strong class="esm-text-color-red">esm_bot</strong> changelog</h2>
<h3>Core System</h3>
<ul class="uk-list uk-list-hyphen">
    General code cleanup

    Updated dependencies and applied security patches

    Removed bot message resend queue as that it was not needed anymore

<h3>XM8 Notifications</h3>
<ul class="uk-list uk-list-hyphen">
    Added sending support for custom routes
    Adjusted format of server log to support custom routes
    Added the server name and ID to the message footer

<ul class="uk-list uk-list-hyphen">
    <code>!requests</code> <span class="uk-label">NEW</span>
    <ul class="uk-list uk-list-hyphen">
      <li>Displays your pending requests for commands such as <code>reward</code>, <code>add</code>, etc. with the ability to accept or decline them</li>

<h2><strong class="esm-text-color-red">esm_website</strong> changelog</h2>
<h3>Core System</h3>
<ul class="uk-list uk-list-hyphen">
      Added shadows to the navbar and sidebars to give more depth
      Refactored the sidebar UI to have dedicated sections

<ul class="uk-list uk-list-hyphen">
      Added how to guides for XM8 notification routing for both players and server admins

      Updated the gambling, notifications, and getting started guides

<h3>Player Dashboard</h3>
<ul class="uk-list uk-list-hyphen">
      Added XM8 Notification Routes section

<h3>Server Dashboard</h3>
<ul class="uk-list uk-list-hyphen">
    Player Mode communities can now toggle the welcome message and add extra information to it
    <small>This is configurable in the server dashboard under My Community in the Server Dashboard community section</small>

    Player Mode communities can now grant server dashboard access to specific roles
    <small>This is configurable in the server dashboard under My Community in the Server Dashboard community section</small>

      Added XM8 Notification Routes section to Player Mode enabled Discord servers

<h2><strong class="esm-text-color-red">esm_arma</strong> changelog</h2>
<p>No changes this update</p>
<%# <h3>Core System</h3>
<ul class="uk-list uk-list-hyphen">
</ul> %>
All opinions represented herein are my own
- © 2024 itsthedevman
- build 340fbb8