Friday, September 20, 2024 4:40:48 AM
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> _2023-03-18.html.erb
    Why - Hello there. It's been awhile! How have you been? I've been just swell, thanks for asking. I'm here to release a random update at a random time and act like this was all planned and everything.
    Spoiler alert, it's 2 years late 😂
    Just a little over 3 years ago, I started working on an update to replace the current the server extension with one that would let me do what I needed in order to add all the cool features that have been suggested over the years. As you could tell, it took some time. In short, I had to teach myself Rust lang and then <em>life</em> happened. What a own journey!
    This update being release today is not the update for the long awaited @esm v2.0, unfortunately, but it does lay all the necessary groundwork for me to bring you that update. I don't have a release date, but I can say that it will be released some time this year.
  <h3 id="what-is-coming-in-the-new-update">What is coming in the new @esm v2.0 update?</h3>
    I can't share too many details because I'm always coming up with new ideas and tweaking old ones, but I can tell you that @esm v2.0 will include the following:
  <ul class="uk-list uk-list-hyphen">
    <li>32/64 bit support on Windows and Linux Arma 3 servers</li>
    <li>Improved performance, reliability, and memory-safety, thanks to Rust lang</li>
    <li>Improved server commands</li>
    <li>Vehicle and multiple reward support for the <code>reward</code> command</li>
    <li>And other surprises 😉</li>
    <i>If you like reading code, you can see what I'm developing (and what's coming in the new update) by checking out the Github repositories for <a href="" target="_blank">esm_bot</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">esm_arma</a></i>
<h2><strong class="esm-text-color-red"><a href="" target="_blank">esm_bot</a></strong> changelog</h2>
<h3>Core System</h3>
<ul class="uk-list uk-list-hyphen">
    Upgraded from Ruby 2.7.6 to Ruby 3.2
    Expanded locale file into multiple files organized by the locales category
    Renamed <code>ServerSetting</code> attributes to be more descriptive
    Added <code>server_version</code> attribute to <code>Server</code>
    Added <code>reward_id</code>, <code>reward_vehicles</code>, <code>cooldown_quantity</code>, and <code>cooldown_type</code> attributes to <code>ServerReward</code>
    Added global logging methods <code>trace!</code>, <code>debug!</code>, <code>info!</code>, <code>warn!</code>, and <code>error!</code>
    Added better channel permission checks to handle when the bot is missing send/read permissions
    Improved await code for message responses with <code>ESM::Bot#wait_for_reply</code> and <code>ESM::Bot#waiting_for_reply?</code>
    Added <code>ESM::Callbacks</code> class for adding closure based callbacks to classes
    Added support for loading and executing <code>v1</code> versions of commands
    Added support for faster JSON parsing through the <code>ESM::JSON</code> class
    Expanded <code>ESM::Command::Base</code> methods out into their own files
    Added programmatic support for commands to skip the cooldown check
    Replaced <code>ESM::Command::Base#check_failed!</code> with <code>ESM::Command::Base#raise_error!</code>
    Replaced <code>ESM::Command::Base#deliver!</code> with <code>ESM::Command::Base#send_to_arma</code>
    Added support for Discord's message reply system. The bot will now reply to the message that triggered it
    Added support for editing a previously sent message via <code>ESM::Command::Base#edit_message</code>
    Simplified cooldown updating and creation code to avoid bugs
    Replaced <code>ESM::Command::Base#discord</code> with <code>ESM::Command::Base#on_execute</code>
    Replaced <code>ESM::Command::Base#server</code> with <code>ESM::Command::Base#on_response</code>
    Renamed <code>ESM::Command::Base.type</code> to <code>ESM::Command::Base.set_type</code>
    Renamed <code>ESM::Command::Base.aliases</code> to <code>ESM::Commmand::Base.register_aliases</code>
    Replaced <code>ESM::Websocket</code> and its sub-classes with <code>ESM::Connection</code> and its sub-classes.
    Improved <code></code> and embed template code
    Changed the default embed color from &quot;Exile Toast Blue&quot; to randomly pick a color from <code>ESM::Color::Toast</code>
    Replaced <code>ESM::Event::DiscordLog</code> and <code>ESM::Event::DiscordMessageChannel</code> with <code>ESM::Event::SendToChannel</code>
    Added @esm v2.0 support to <code>ESM::Event::ServerInitialization</code> and improved its performance
    Refactored <code>Hash#to_ostruct</code> to allow preserving Ruby data types when casting
    Refactored <code>OpenStruct#each</code> and <code>OpenStruct#map</code> to prevent nested instances of <code>OpenStruct</code> from being converted to instances of <code>Hash</code>
    Added <code>ESM::Command.configurations</code> that returns all command permission configurations
    Added <code>ESM::JSON.pretty_generate</code> for pretty printed JSON
  <li>Added <code>ESM::Message</code> a Ruby representation of the data structure used for communication with the extension and A3 server
  <li>Added <code>ESM::Arma::ClassLookup</code> class
        This singleton class is used to convert Arma 3 object class names to their respective in-game display names
      <li>Out of the box, this lookup has all vehicles, weapons, attachments, etc., for the base game plus the following mods:
            Exile (<i>duh</i> 😉)
            Extended Base Mod
            Extended Survival Pack
            KA weapons
            NiArms weapons
            Secret Weapons
            TRYK Uniforms
        <i>If there are other popular mods that I don't have in this list, please send me Steam Workshop links and I'll get exports for them</i>
  <li>Added <code>ESM::Arma::HashMap</code> a hash-like class that represents Arma 3's HashMap data type
    Moved territory ID obfuscation to <code>ESM::Server</code> and based it off of the server's key
    Added <code>ESM::Server#metadata</code> a volatile key/value data store for storing config data from the server that is only useful while the server is connected to ESM
  <li>Renamed the following columns on <code>ESM::ServerSetting</code>
        <code>gambling_payout</code> -&gt; <code>gambling_payout_base</code>
        <code>logging_reward</code> -&gt; <code>logging_reward_player</code>
        <code>logging_transfer</code> -&gt; <code>logging_transfer_poptabs</code>
  <li>Deprecated the following columns on <code>ESM::ServerSetting</code>
        <code>request_thread_type</code>: No longer needed
        <code>request_thread_tick</code>: No longer needed
        <code>logging_path</code>: Moved to <code>config.yml</code>
<ul class="uk-list uk-list-hyphen">
    <ul class="uk-list uk-list-hyphen">
      <li>@esm v2.0: Added the ability to execute code on every connected player by providing <code>everyone</code> or <code>all</code> for a target:
            <code>!sqf malden everyone systemChat &quot;Hi from ESM!&quot;</code>
    <ul class="uk-list uk-list-hyphen">
        Fixed a bug where the command would not work on a server that was offline
<h3>Extension Server</h3>
<ul class="uk-list uk-list-hyphen">
  <li>Added Rust lang TCP server that handles communicating data between the bot and the Arma servers</li>
<h2><strong class="esm-text-color-red"><a href="" target="_blank">esm_arma</a></strong> changelog</h2>
  <strong>This is for the upcoming <em>@esm v2.0</em>. This is not available for public use and does not reflect the current release</strong>
  <i>Features and code are subject to change</i>
<h3>Core System</h3>
<ul class="uk-list uk-list-hyphen">
    Added <code>tokio</code> based Rust extension that uses <code>message-io</code>, and <code>arma-rs</code> to communicate between the A3 server and the bot (<code>src/esm</code>)
    Added message standard for communicating data between the bot, the extension, and the Arma server (<code>src/message</code>)
    Added Rust build tool that handles everything from compiling and building the mod to deploying to the Arma server. Supports both Windows and Linux (<code>src/build</code>)
    Deprecated extension request system thread for <code>addMissionEventHandler &quot;ExtensionCallback&quot;</code>
    Added support for reloading <code>esm.key</code> while the server is running
    Added server side config for lower level control over logging, connection details, etc.
    Fixed an issue where escape characters in a server name would cause a crash
    Removed dependency on the server's restart time in <code>exile_server_config</code> to fix an issue when it's commented out
    Moved account existence checks from SQF to extension for both the player and the target
<ul class="uk-list uk-list-hyphen">
    Switched to using <code>stringtable.xml</code> for mod messages to make it easier for the rest of the humans on this planet that don't use English to use their own languages
    Added support to redirect ESM's SQF logging calls to <code>esm.log</code> instead of the RPT
    Renamed <code>ESM_DatabaseVersion</code> to <code>ESM_DatabaseExtension</code>
    Renamed <code>ESM_PayTaxPercentage</code> to <code>ESM_Taxes_TerritoryPayment</code>
    Renamed <code>ESM_UpgradeTaxPercentage</code> to <code>ESM_Taxes_TerritoryUpgrade</code>
    Removed <code>ESM_fnc_checkForRequests</code> as that it is no longer needed
  <li>Switched from Arma 3 <code>CfgFunctions</code> to Exile's <code>preInit</code> style of defining functions
        <i>Also, I didn't like the look of <code>ESMServer_</code> so I shortened it to <code>ESMs_</code></i>
    Added Discord embed SQF helper functions<code>ESMs_util_embed_create</code> and <code>ESMs_util_embed_addField</code>
    Replaced <code>ESM_fnc_callExtension</code> with <code>ESMs_system_extension_call</code>
    Replaced <code>ESM_fnc_exec</code> with <code>ESMs_command_sqf</code>
    Replaced <code>ESM_fnc_log</code> and <code>ESM_fnc_logToDLL</code> with <code>ESMs_util_log</code>
    Replaced <code>ESM_fnc_logToDiscord</code> with <code>ESMs_system_discord_log</code>
    Replaced <code>ESM_fnc_preInit</code> with <code>ESMs_system_process_preInit</code>
    Replaced <code>ESM_fnc_postServerInitialization</code> with <code>ESMs_system_process_postInit</code>
    Replaced <code>ESM_fnc_respond</code> with <code>ESMs_system_message_respond_to</code>
    Replaced <code>ESM_fnc_sendToChannel</code> with <code>ESMs_system_discord_send_to</code>
    Added SQF Array utility functions <code>ESMs_util_array_all</code>, <code>ESMs_util_array_isValidHashmap</code>, and <code>ESMs_util_array_map</code>
    Added SQF Hashmap utility functions <code>ESMs_util_hashmap_fromArray</code>, <code>ESMs_util_hashmap_get</code>, and <code>ESMs_util_hashmap_toArray</code>
<h2><strong class="esm-text-color-red">esm_website</strong> changelog</h2>
<ul class="uk-list uk-list-hyphen">
    Upgraded from Ruby 2.7.6 to Ruby 3.2
All opinions represented herein are my own
- © 2024 itsthedevman
- build 340fbb8