Friday, September 20, 2024 12:06:57 AM
> settings



> config.yml
## Greetings!
## This configuration file is used internally within @esm and its extension.
##   Do not edit this file unless you are a power-user and had experience editing config files,
##   or you have been instructed to do so by the developer of ESM.
##   This file contains options that, when editing improperly, can cause the mod/extension
##   to no longer function.
##   Edit at your own risk and ask questions if you are stuck

## The verbosity level for logs
## Valid options: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error"
## Default: "info"
# log_level: "debug"

## The fully qualified path to the extDB config.
## Default: ""
## Note: This MUST point to a valid INI file
##   extdb2 / Windows
##     Example: "F:\arma_servers\malden\config_for_extdb.ini"
##     Default location: "<server_executable_path>\@ExileServer\extdb-conf.ini"
##   extdb2 / Linux
##     Example: "/arma_servers/malden/config_for_extdb.ini"
##     Default location: "<server_executable_path>/@exileserver/extdb-conf.ini"
##   extdb3 / Windows
##     Example: "F:\arma_servers\malden\config_for_extdb.ini"
##     Default location: "<server_executable_path>\@ExileServer\extdb3-conf.ini"
##   extdb3 / Linux
##     Example: "/arma_servers/malden/config_for_extdb.ini"
##     Default location: "<server_executable_path>/@exileserver/extdb3-conf.ini"
## This config option is ignored when `database_uri` is set
# extdb_conf_path: ""

## The name of the section header in ExtDB's config file.
## This section contains the connection details for the database
## Default: "exile"
## This config option is ignored when `database_uri` is set
# extdb_conf_header_name: "exile"

## The version of extDB that is used
## ESM will attempt to detect the version by default. This is mainly used for development
# extdb_version: 3

## The fully qualified path plus filename where the extension will log
## Default: "<server_executable_path>/@esm/log/esm.log"
# logging_path: ""

## The output destination for log calls in the SQF code
## Valid options: "rpt", "extension", "both"
## Default: "extension"
# log_output: "extension"

## A valid connection URL for ESM's Arma server endpoint
## This is mainly used for development
# connection_url: ""

## A valid MySQL connection URI (mysql://user:password@host:port/database_name)
## for the same database as the Exile server
## ESM will attempt to read this information from the server's INI file for extdb
## If this config option has a value set, the INI file will be ignored
# database_uri: ""

## The directory name that contains Exile's server code
## Defaults
##   Windows: "@ExileServer"
##   Linux: "@exileserver"
# server_mod_name: "@ExileServer"

## The CLDR locale string for formatting numbers
## This controls the formatting style for ESMs_util_number_toString
## For example:
##   "en" for English (Thousands separator: ",") "12,333"
##   "de_DE" for German (Thousands separator: ".") "12.333"
## Default: "en"
# number_locale: "de_DE"
All opinions represented herein are my own
- © 2024 itsthedevman
- build 3c15a1b