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SQF compiler macros

The build tool for ESM supports macros that are expanded during compilation. These macro definitions are located in src/build/host/src/


The supporting compiler system works on Regex and only support single line usage. I would love to fix this but other priorities come first.


Some macros support providing “arguments” between the brackets. These normally are passed down to the resulting SQF code. Arma code, including other macros, are supported.



Replaced with the corresponding value defined in constants.jsonc

Example: ```sqf const!(“EXAMPLE_STRING”)

// Becomes: “Hello world!” // As defined in constants.jsonc ```


Replaced with the current year at compile time. Used for copyright notices

Example: ```sqf current_year!()

// Becomes: 2024 // The current year at writing ```


Replaced with the function definition array required by Exile’s fn_preInit.sqf. This macro handles file path separator differences between Windows and Linux

Example: ```sqf define_fn!(“ESMs_util_test_myAwesomeFunction”)

// On Windows [“ESMs_util_test_myAwesomeFunction”, “\exile_server_manager\code\ESMs_util_test_myAwesomeFunction.sqf”]

// On Linux [“ESMs_util_test_myAwesomeFunction”, “/exile_server_manager/code/ESMs_util_test_myAwesomeFunction.sqf”] ```

dig!(hash, keys...)

A shorthand for calling ESMs_util_hashmap_dig. This function will recursively dig into the provided SQF HashMap to find the key. See ESMs_util_hashmap_dig for more information.

Example: ```sqf dig!(_myHash, “foo”, “bar”)

// Becomes: [_myHash, “foo”, “bar”] call ESMs_util_hashmap_dig ```


Shorthand to check to see if the provided object is empty by doing a count comparison

Example: ```sqf empty?(_myObject)

// Becomes: count(_myObject) isEqualTo 0 ```


Shorthand for the negated version of empty above; not empty.

Example: ```sqf !empty?(_myObject)

// Becomes: count(_myObject) isNotEqualTo 0 ```


Replaced with the name of the current file without the extension

Example: ```sqf file_name!()

// Becomes: “macros” // For this file ```

get!(hashmap, value, ?default)

Shorthand for getting a value from a HashMap. The default is optional and will use nil if not provided

Example: ```sqf get!(_myHashMap, “foo”)

// Becomes: _myHashMap getOrDefault [“foo”, nil]

//// get!(_myHashMap, “foo”, 0)

// Becomes: _myHashMap getOrDefault [“foo”, 0] ```

Example: ```sqf key?(_myHashMap, “foo”)

// Becomes: [_myHashMap, “foo”] call ESMs_util_hashmap_key ```

localize!(key_without_prefix, replacements...)

Shorthand for the localize command. Supports string interpolation

Example: ```sqf // Requires a stringtable entry of “STR_ESM_SomeLocaleKey” localize!(“SomeLocaleKey”)

// Becomes: localize “$STR_ESM_SomeLocaleKey”

/// // Requires a stringtable entry of “STR_ESM_KeyWithInterpolation” localize!(“KeyWithInterpolation”, _someValueToInclude)

// Becomes: format[localize “$STR_ESM_KeyWithInterpolation”, _someValueToInclude] ```

Logging macros: <log_level>!(message, replacements...)

A macro that supports logging based on the current logging level. Supports string interpolation and non-string objects

Example: ```sqf trace!(“This logs on trace”) debug!(“This logs on debug”) info!(“This logs on info”) warn!(“This logs on warn”) error!(“This logs on error”)

// Becomes: // macros because it will use the current file name [“macros”, format[“%1”, “This logs on trace”], “trace”] call ESMs_util_log [“macros”, format[“%1”, “This logs on debug”], “debug”] call ESMs_util_log [“macros”, format[“%1”, “This logs on info”], “info”] call ESMs_util_log [“macros”, format[“%1”, “This logs on warn”], “warn”] call ESMs_util_log [“macros”, format[“%1”, “This logs on error”], “error”] call ESMs_util_log

//// debug!(_myObject)

// Becomes: [“macros”, format[“%1”, _myObject], “debug”] call ESMs_util_log

//// info!(“Wow! %1, so cool.”, _playerName)

// Becomes: [“macros”, format[“Wow! %1, so cool.”, _playerName], “info”] call ESMs_util_log ```


Shorthand to check to see if the provided variable is nil

Example: ```sqf nil?(_myVariable)

// Becomes: isNil “_myVariable” ```


Shorthand for the negated version of nil above; not nil.

Example: ```sqf !nil?(_myVariable)

// Becomes: !(isNil “_myVariable”) ```


Shorthand to check to see if the provided object is null This is different than nil? above because Arma considers the null variants (objNull, locationNull, scriptNull, etc.) as not nil. Why you ask? Short answer: because Arma

Example: ```sqf null?(_playerObject)

// Becomes: isNull _playerObject ```


Replaced with a file path used to define the “file” attribute for CfgFunctions. This macro handles file path separator differences between Windows and Linux

Example: ```sqf os_path!(“my_mod”, “code_directory”)

// On Windows “my_mod\code_directory”

// On Linux “my_mod/code_directory” ```


Shorthand to check to see if the provided object is nil and if it is, return nil explicitly. In my testing, Arma will error if a variable containing nil if referenced, even for a return. This is likely a bug and BIS may fix it at some point making this not needed.

Example: ```sqf returns_nil!(_myObject)

// Becomes: if (isNil “_myObject”) then { nil } else { _myObject } ```


Shorthand for returning an object with the expected type. This is mostly used for the params command. Valid types: ARRAY, BOOL, HASH, STRING, NIL

Example: ```sqf rv_type!(ARRAY) rv_type!(BOOL) rv_type!(HASH) rv_type!(STRING) rv_type!(NIL)

// Becomes: [] false createHashMap “” nil ```

type?(object, TYPE)

A shorthand for checking if an object is a particular type. Valid types: ARRAY, BOOL, HASH, STRING, NIL

Example: ```sqf type?(_myObject, STRING)

// Becomes: _myObject isEqualType “”

//// type?(_myObject, ARRAY)

// Becomes: _myObject isEqualType [] ```

!type?(object, TYPE)

A shorthand for a negated version of type? above. Valid types: ARRAY, BOOL, HASH, STRING, NIL

Example: ```sqf !type?(_myObject, STRING)

// Becomes: !(_myObject isEqualType “”)

//// type?(_myObject, ARRAY)

// Becomes: !(_myObject isEqualType []) ```

All opinions represented herein are my own
- © 2024 itsthedevman
- build 3c15a1b