Thursday, September 19, 2024 9:10:47 PM
> settings



> 0.3.0.json
    "update_required": true,
    "mod_version": "0.3.0",
    "changes": {
        "🎉 added": [
            "[bot] Added a new command `!logs` for all servers. This command parses Exiles default logs from the last 5 days (14 for premium servers) and lets you view it on our website.",
            "[dll] Added support for `!logs` command",
            "[website] Added support for `!logs` command",
            "[bot] Automated Patreon workflow",
            "[bot] Added welcome message to be sent for new users",
            "[bot] Added `!server` command for showing information about a particular server (will be expanding on this later)"
        "🔄 changed": [
            "[dll] Reconnect messages now display connection attempts",
            "[dll] Reconnect messages now display when reconnect has failed"
        "🛠 fixed": [
            "[bot] Fixed some spelling and wording (because I can Engrish)",
            "[sqf] All territory IDs will now be obfuscated when logging",
            "[dll] Restore command log now shows the obfuscated territory ID"
        "❌ removed": [

    "notes": "I am excited to announce that this version means we are launching to the public. Keep in mind, ESM is still in beta and will receive semi-regular updates, so keep an eye out on this channel ❤"
All opinions represented herein are my own
- © 2024 itsthedevman
- build 3c15a1b