Thursday, September 19, 2024 9:22:35 PM
> settings



> 0.9.0.json
    "update_required": true,
    "mod_version": "0.9.0",
    "highlights": {
        "!broadcast": "Allows communities to broadcast a message to their servers via the XM8 `custom` permission",
        "!setterritoryid": "Players can now set a custom territory ID on premium servers",
        "!exec": "Server administrators, and members with permissions can now execute SQF code on the server and players via the bot",
        "Players can now remove themselves from territories": "They couldn't before. 🤷", 
        "Lots of changes/fixes": "Some bugs fixed, some bugs introduced, some bugs befriended 🐛"
    "changes": {
        "🎉 added": [
            "[bot] `!broadcast` command. This command allows communities to broadcast messages to XM8 users for one or all of their servers. This utilizes the 'custom' notification preference.",
            "[bot] (Premium servers only) `!setterritoryid` command. Players can now set a custom territory ID to their territories. This custom ID can be used in place of the generated territory ID in any command. ESM will automatically create a new column in your `territory` table where it will store the custom value.",
            "[dll] Support for `!setterritoryid` command.",
            "[bot] `!resetcooldown` command. This command will reset the cooldown of a command that has a custom cooldown set. This is only available for certain roles",
            "[bot] `!exec` command. This command allows server owners to execute code from Discord on the server or a user. If you exec code to the server, the result will be returned to discord. This command can be disabled in esm-conf.ini"
        "🎉 added continued": [
            "[dll] Google.Protobuf.dll, an dependency of MySql.Data.dll",
            "[bot] ESM will now reply to messages where it is tagged in. If the user is not registered, ESM will automagically Direct Message them with instructions."
        "🔄 changed": [
            "[bot/dll] Improved a crap ton of error messages and handling",
            "[sqf] Territory functions (add/remove/pay/promote/demote) now have the hashed/custom flag ID passed into the function from the DLL",
            "[bot] `!commands` default behavior is now to show commands that don't have permissions tied to them. This is to keep new users from being confused about administrative commands that they don't have access to. To view all commands, use `!commands --all`. Tks <@219847919753232384>",
            "[bot] Changed `<discord_tag>` parameter to `<@user>` in the help texts. It was confusing a lot of users.",
            "[bot] Improved the welcome messages for new users to Discords. The message is better formatted and provides the user with basic information about linked servers (name, ip, port, server id)",
            "[dll/bot] !allterritories command now returns the owners name",
            "[sqf] Players can now remove themselves from territories"
        "🔄 changed continued": [
            "[sqf] Improved all logging messages in include the requestor's discord tag so you can see who is running which commands",
            "[bot] Is now playing !register",
            "[mod] MySQL.Data.dll, Newtonsoft.Json.dll, NLog.dll have been updated to the latest versions"
        "🛠 fixed": [
            "[bot] Owner/Administrators were not being added to territory admins if there were no roles chosen",
            "[sqf] Territory admins can now promote themselves in a territory. Tks <@233373237860368384>"
        "❌ removed": [
            "[dll/bot] Deleted column from !allterritories command"
    "notes": "Hi everyone, I'm still working on updates. Development has slowed due to my new job, but I still have plenty of things in the works.\nThis update completely changed how commands and requests are sent back and forth between the Exile Server and the bot. As always, let me know if you run into issues. ❤"
All opinions represented herein are my own
- © 2024 itsthedevman
- build 3c15a1b