Thursday, September 19, 2024 9:07:56 PM
> settings



> 1.0.0.json
    "update_required": true,
    "mod_version": "1.0.0",
    "highlights": {
        "New Website": "A brand new website, brand new portals! Players can now register/deregister via the website. Server owners have more control of their servers",
        "!reward": "Players can get rewarded in game for using the bot! Off by default, but server owners can configure rewards on a per server basis",
        "!ping": "This command allows you to see round trip latency information for your server.",
        "!transfer": "Players can now transfer poptabs from their locker to another players locker. Both players are required to be registered with ESM",
        "Player Mode": "",
        "XM8 Notifications allowed by default": "New users no longer have to opt-in to notifications",
        "Disable Commands": "Servers can now disable commands via the website",
        "A bunch of fixes and cleanup": "ESM is getting stronger every update, but bugs never give up"
    "changes": {
        "🎉 added": [
            "[bot] `!changelog` command. This shows the highlights for the current or previous version of ESM",
            "[website] RPT Parser (beta). This tool parses an uploaded RPT for errors, useful for new servers or searching through thousands of lines of RPT",
            "[website] A Player Portal. Players can now log into the website using their Discord account. It's fairly empty right now, but I have a lot planned for this, just you wait. :)",
            "[website] Player can now delink their Steam Accounts on ESM via the player portal",
            "[bot] New messages for `!player kill` and `!player heal`",
            "[website] Server settings are now configured on the website. No more need for esm-conf.ini",
            "[bot/sqf] `!reward` command. This allows players to get a reconfigured reward for running this command. What rewards the player receives is configurable on a per server basis and can only be redeemed once by default."
        "🎉 added continued": [
            "[bot/website] Most server based commands can now be disabled via the web panel. Users with the Administrator permission in Discord will still be able to use these commands",
            "[bot/mod] `!ping` command. This command allows you to see round trip latency information for your server.",
            "[bot/mod] `!transfer` command. This command allows players to transfer poptabs from their locker to another players locker. Both players are required to be registered with ESM",
            "[bot] Player Mode. Lots of stuff, too much to say here. Check out this link:",
            "[bot/mod] Max Payments setting. When set to a number greater than 0, players will receive a message if they try to use the `!pay` command more than the specified times. The next time they join the server, the counter will be reset."
        "🎉 added continued again": [
            "[website] You can now delete your account on ESM via the Player Portal. Personally, I don't want you to see you go, but you have the freedom to do it now.\nThis only deletes your account, it does not affect communities or servers",
            "[sqf] Servers can now access their Server ID and Community ID in SQF via `ESM_ServerID` and `ESM_CommunityID` respectively"
        "🔄 changed": [
            "[bot/dll/website] Rewrote the entire bot infrastructure",
            "[website] The website has gone through a complete rewrite and improvement",
            "[bot] `!register` can now be used from anywhere as that registration is done on the website now",
            "[bot] Cleaned up all commands code and improved messages back to players",
            "[bot] `!me` will now return account information if player is dead",
            "[bot] `!player kill` will now check if the player is actually dead first",
            "[website] You can now change your server ID without deleting, re-creating, re-uploading, etc. Even works when the server is online",
            "[website] Mafia Member Tier Patreons can now change their Community ID via the web portal any time they want",
            "[bot] XM8 notifications now display the server name in the title",
            "[bot] Spruced up the messages in !territories, !me, !whois, and !info. They clean now"
        "🔄 changed continued": [
            "[bot] The bot took a chill pill and is no longer picky about spaces between parameters on commands, so long as you have at least one",
            "[bot] `!whois` and `!logs` now support when a player has registered their steam account multiple times",
            "[bot] Server owners can now query Steam UIDs using `!whois` even if it's not tied to a Discord account",
            "[bot] XM8 Notifications are now allowed by default",
            "[bot] XM8 Notifications will now send to all Discord Accounts if a player has registered their steam account multiple times",
            "[mod] ESM Dependencies have been moved to their own directory",
            "[sqf] Moved fn_postInit.sqf to fn_preInit.sqf",
            "[premium] Premium workflow cleaned up and requires less one-on-one support",
            "[bot] `!commands` now provides information about `--all` param",
            "[bot] Retrieving gambling info will no longer create a cooldown"
        "🛠 fixed": [
            "[bot] Numbers over one million will now display in standard notation. Arma is still Arma and will lose precision after a few million",
            "[bot] Fixed (hopefully) where `!territories` wouldn't return the territories if they have a lot of territory members",
            "[bot] Fixed (hopefully) missing territory-payment-due XM8 notifications, please let me know if these are still missing after this update"
        "❌ removed": [
            "[mod] esm-conf.ini, it's been replaced with settings via the website",
            "[sqf] fn_postInit.sqf",
            "[premium] Removed the 'Noob Crusher' $1 Patreon Tier",
            "[bot] `!stats` command"
    "notes": "ESM update in 2019? **Hell yes.**\n- **Upgrading Instructions**:\n- There is one existing bug that I know of, ESM will stay 'typing' for a little bit after running a command.\n- As always, if you have bugs or issues, please let me know in the appropriate support channel and I'll take care of it. ❤"
All opinions represented herein are my own
- © 2024 itsthedevman
- build 3c15a1b