Thursday, September 19, 2024 9:23:52 PM
> settings



> 0.8.0.json
    "update_required": true,
    "mod_version": "0.8.0",
    "changes": {
        "🎉 added": [
            "[sqf] ESM_fnc_attemptReconnect function. This can be executed on the server to tell the DLL to attempt a reconnect to ESMBot. Check out the API section of the wiki for usage",
            "[bot] New gambling parameter, `info`. For example: `!gamble esm_malden info` will show your gambling stats for that server. Stat tracking will be available whenever this update is loaded on your server.",
            "[bot] Added support for brand new XM8 notifications.",
            "[sqf] Added new XM8 Notifications. These include: `charge-plant-started`, `grind-started`, `hack-started`, `flag-steal-started`, `marxet-item-sold`, and `custom`. Players must allow these new messages or they will not receive them.",
            "[bot] Added `!stuck` command. This command is available to everyone and it will allow players to 'reset' their player on a particular server. It's functionally the same as `!reset`, except the player can do it."
        "🔄 changed": [
            "[bot] Gambling messages are now routed through the bot. This allows ESM to track statistics about gambling for future expansion",
            "[bot] Revamped gambling messages to include funny messages from the community, as well as, showing the name of the user who gambled and gambling stats",
            "[mod] `exile_server_overwrites` has been broken up into multiple PBOs for modularity. `exile_server_overwrites.pbo` controls all overwrites and is REQUIRED for any overwrites to work. The other PBOs drive the overwrites for their respective functions and can be removed to disable certain features",
            "[dll] Resetting a single player will no longer check for `damage = 1`. They will be deleted no matter what. Running a reset for the entire database will still check for `damage = 1`",
            "[bot] Every. Damn. Log. Message."
        "🛠 fixed": [
            "[bot] Rewrote how cooldowns are handled internally. This should fix an issue where certain commands weren't using their default defined cooldown times",
            "[sqf] ESM_fnc_scalarToString would incorrectly format negative numbers",
            "[bot] `!reset` wasn't logging who requested the reset",
            "[bot] KD Ratio would return NaN if the player had 0 deaths"
        "❌ removed": [
            "[sqf] Gambling messages. They are now handled by the bot",
            "[sqf] XM8 notification message type whitelists on the server. These are now handled in the bot for expansion"
    "notes": "This update changes the PBO layout in the addons folder, make sure that you remove all PBOs and copy the new ones over.\nAn optionals folder has been introduced. This folder will contain optional content that requires copying/merging/etc that couldn't be automagically. Check out the README.txt in this folder for more information."
All opinions represented herein are my own
- © 2024 itsthedevman
- build 3c15a1b